Sunday, August 23, 2009

Another entry

My friends are admittedly as bizarre as I am. This is Tegan. Knowing that I had a facial hair blog, she glued this nifty stash onto her face with super glue. I don't know where she found the HUMAN hair, nor why she would want to touch it (let alone glue it to her face). But i'm not asking too many questions. Her dedication as a friend is overwhelming. How many friends do you have that would do the same. hahaha.

Because of Tegans wonderful contribution, Hairs Theirs will be celebrating The walrus Mustache all month long!

Friday, July 24, 2009

YAY for our first anonymous entry! We think this guy might have Trevor beat!

Dali Paraphernalia

Dali Merchandise by Vortex Trading Company- Check it out on Etsy:

My contribution for the week.
My Dali face is apparently also my nauseated face. uh oh.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Dali style. yay? or nay?

Photographer Trevor Triano has promised Hairs Theirs a few photo's in the future. We are featuring him today for our Dali week. If you would like to check out some of trevor's work, you can find him at

Stash of the Week- Dali

Ahh yes, the most famous Dali mustache. Here it hasn't been grown out like is later pictures. I chose this picture beacuse one of our featured photographers Trevor Triano is currently sporting a similar style.

Monday, June 29, 2009

day 3...kinda

I was rather horrified to produce this on iphoto booth, but there it is, entry number 3.

I graduated on saturday, and have been rather busy packing and leaving. (explanation for the lack of daily documentation) I'm on the road right now, and in a hotel somewhere in Ohio. I'm currently contemplating the existence of hotel art. I realize that outfitting every room in a 1000 room hotel would be pricey, but is it really so hard to find a print that doesn't make a persons eye's bleed?
Grab some stash-bling!
check out etsy seller: LittleAngelsJewelry

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 2

I took this a few months ago while I was bored @ Mud (coffee shop in NYC)...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Natalia Yovane knows the deal

Looks like artist Natalia Yovane thinks facial hair is cool too.

visit: for more of her work.
Right, So this is me. I just finished my BFA in installation and Ceramics. You can see the suit case in the background. I'm packing, getting ready to go on a family vacation, followed by me moving for two years to England.

Having long hair I play with it a lot. Whether or not anyone else thinks fake facial hair is funny, is irrelevant. It cracks me up, so here is a daily blog- a stash for every day. Everything Facial Hair.

Day one: Wed.June 24th 5:10pm

I suppose black and white just seemed more appropriate for this style of stash. Please note the cowboy band aid on my finger- i cut myself on my own pottery. Blast!